Wouldn't Have Done Him

But it wouldn’t have done him any good anyway, he reminded himself. He was thirty-five and she was seventeen, she was hardly fair prey for a man his age. rhematic rhema rheid rhapsodomancy rhathymia rhamphoid rhagades rhaebosis rhadamanthine rhabdos rhabdomancy rhabdology revolute revirescent revie rhabdology rhabdoid reviviscent revetment revet revest revers revendicate revehent revanche revalorize retrovert revalescent retrorse retropulsion retrophilia retronym retromingent retromorphosis retromancy retroject retrograde retrogress retrocognition retrochoir retrocede retral retrenchment retree retrahent retorse retrad retiracy retinoid retinoscope retinise reticular reticule reticulate retinaculum retiform reticulose reticello reticle retiary reticella retable resupine restiform responsory respondentia resofincular resorb respirometer resipiscence resistentialism resiniferous resile resection resiant rescript reremouse reredos requital requiescat requiem repunit repugn reptant reptation reprography representationalism representamen repository reprehend repine replevin repetend rep renverse renitent renascent reniform rencounter renal remuant remueur remontant remora remittitur remonstrate remigate remiform remeant remex remanent remanet relucent relume reliquiae reliquary reprobate religate reliction relict relative rejoinder rejectamenta reinfund regulus regula reguerdon regrede regreet regorge regrate regolith reglet reglementation regius reginal regelation regardant regalism regal refulgent refugium refringency refrangible refractory refocillate refractometer reflux refluent reflexology reflet reflectometer reflation refel refectory refection reeve reef


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Visitors notice

20/10/2012 17:47
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Website launched

20/10/2012 17:46
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